Honey nutrition to maintain good physical fitness of children. Perhaps now no one can deny or doubt the sentence which is also the title of this article. Various studies have been conducted on the sweet water, and found that honey is rich in various nutrients, including antioxidants that have been very beneficial believed immune.Types of antioxidants called polyphenols in honey that can help protect cells from damage caused by radicals. Contributions antioxidants greatly to heart health, including protecting the body from cancer. Not surprisingly, in a recent study published in the journal Pediatrics, honey can be used to treat cough at night that often occur in children. Antioxidants in honey can confer resistance to infection, including an infection that causes cold symptoms.
But, of course, all of the nutrients mentioned above can only be obtained up to co-wives with good quality.For children, you should choose the honey that has been purified or cleaned. In the original honey feared still contain spores of Clostridium botulinumin that will produce toxins (poisons). In infants, these toxins will cause botulism disease characterized by the occurrence of muscle paralysis, constipation, weakness, and can even lead to death within 24 hours. Because the baby's digestive tract, especially those younger than one year, can not stop the growth of the spores is not as perfect as digestive adults. So, some doctors recommend that honey is not too given to infants.
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